A new year brings upon us new resolutions. Unless you are ready to go and hit the ground running, they many not always be acheivable and attainable. This is why I like to reframe resolutions into "intentions".
The difference between a resolution and an intention, is that with an intention you can incorporate mindfulness into your health goal. You can make it realistic to match where you are in your life mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Working with a naturopathic doctor can help you to determine what your "Intentions" are, and design SMART goals on how to acheive them.
Specific - state what you will do
Measurable - provide a way to evaluate
Achievable - attainable and realistic
Relevant - reasonable based on your current life circumstances
Time-bound - with specific date or time
Here is a Naturopathic-related SMART Goal
(And how I can help you :) )
Ex. I want to have more energy and feel refreshed on waking
S - Consult health practitioner for treatment suggestions or investigation on why energy is low (Ex. Thyroid, B12, Iron, diet, sleep, hormones)
M - Rate daily energy levels after starting a treatment (ex. lifestyle, supplement/diet). Assess bloodwork to evaluate for any deficiencies.
A - It is definitely very acheivable to get a restful sleep, and feel more energized and refreshed on waking!
R - Maybe you work full-time and also have fitness goals (gym etc), but after going lifestyle modifications this is reasonable for you at this time (vs. when you are working overtime/have family visiting or raising young kids)
T - Have an energy level of 8/10 on waking, without afternoon crash by February (1-2 months of treatment)
Ways that a Naturopathic Doctor can help you with your New Years Goals/Resolutions:
1. More Energy
2. More Balanced Mood
3. Better Digestion
4. Less Pain/Headaches
5. Less Colds & Flus
6. More Balanced Hormones
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